1. Criminal Record Checks
Criminal record checks are mandatory for all coaches, team managers, executives and all persons with direct contact with players. Criminal record checks must be done every two years and they are sport-specific, so we cannot accept ones that were conducted for other sports. If you aren’t sure when you last did your criminal record check, please send an email to Heather Melenchuk, Executive Director.
To complete one, see Criminal Record Check Procedures under Volunteer Policies and Procedures on the Policies and Procedures page.
2. Not Traveling Alone with a Player
Under no circumstances is a coach permitted to travel alone with a player, unless he/she is their own child, to or from any game, practice or WRSSBA event. In addition, a coach is not permitted to be at any facility (i.e., field, training center) alone with a player unless the player is a son/daughter of the coach.
3. Code of Conduct
Please ensure all players, coaches, and parents sign one and return it to the coach or manager.
The code of conduct documents are stored under Required Forms on the Registration FAQs page.
4. Player Emergency Contact and Medical Information Form
Please ensure a Player Emergency Contact and Medical Information Form is completed and returned for each player.
This form is stored under Required Forms on the Registration FAQs page.
These forms should be kept by the coach at all times in a secure location where you can easily find them but away from prying eyes.
5. Uniform Deposits
For all divisions except the Rally Cap divisions, please collect a post-dated (July 1) cheque payable to WRSSBA for $80 for each player on your team.
Please hold these cheques until the end of the season (until a couple weeks after the uniforms are returned). If a player doesn’t return his/her uniform or the uniform is returned damaged or stain, the association will contact you and ask for the cheque for the player.
6. Claiming Volunteer Credits
For coaches and managers, the association is keeping track of you and will ensure you get credit for being a volunteer.
All other volunteers (e.g., concession workers, Fun Day volunteers) are required to claim their volunteer credits through our website’s Volunteer Signup. The volunteer activities are usually setup in late March or April.
Note. Parents who chose to pay the Volunteer Opt Out fee at registration time and opt-out of the volunteer program are not exempt from performing team duties such as scorekeeping or field maintenance. These tasks are required and do not qualify for volunteer credits.
7. Photo Day – May 29, 2021 (Saturday) – SSAP
You or your manager will have the opportunity to book your team’s timeslot. More information will come soon.
8. Managing your Team with TeamSnap
We now use the TeamSnap platform for registration and rostering. TeamSnap also has a mobile app. TeamSnap is used by all our teams to manage their schedules and availability. The full team management features are included in everyone’s registration fees.
For information on using TeamSnap, see TeamSnap’s Help Site.
9. Cancelled/Postponed Game Procedure (Mosquito and higher Divisions only)
For Mosquito and higher divisions, if you have to cancel a game due to the weather, please notify each of the following as soon as possible and hopefully two hours prior to the scheduled game:
- Umpire Allocator, Cheri Tubbs 778-867-5015.
- Concessions Operator, Heather, wrssbahm@gmail.com.
- Volunteer Coordinator, Steph McKenzie
If we don’t contact the umpire at least 90 minutes before a cancelled game, we are required to pay the umpire in full.
10. Field Scheduling Conflicts with Other Sports Associations
We have made a concerted effort to find your team sufficient practice and game times on diamonds/fields that we have a permit from the City of Surrey or White Rock to use. Please do not use other fields besides the fields we have a permit to use or use a field at a time not permitted.
Copies of our field permits are posted on the Fields Overview page.
Have a great season!
Heather Melenchuk
Executive Director, WRSSBA