Mark Finan
I met Mark last year when he coached my son Kyle in Tadpole summer ball. He now is an assistant coach for my older boy, Evan, in Mosquito.
In terms of his coaching, I think the best way to describe him is that he is fair but firm with his players. Fair in terms of giving all the players an equal amount of attention. Firm, in pushing the players when he knows they can do better.
He takes the time to help each player individually with hitting, throwing, catching and so on.
He is also very passionate about his players and the game and wanting to give the players the best opportunity to develop.
This spring Mark decided that there was a need to get the higher-skilled 2009 players together to help them and give them an opportunity to develop their skills with equally-skilled players.
After reaching out to some players’ parents he arranged for a weekly development practice for 2009-born players.
The practices were setup to challenge the players, give them a head start on live pitching and summer ball, and to start recruiting new players for summer ball.
As some of you may know, Mark and his wife Jaclyn are busy people. They have four kids and many of them are playing multiple sports. Mark could have just focused on his own kids, but he saw a need and took the lead in addressing it.
Thank you Mark for all that you have done. You are a great coach and an inspiration to me!
Wayne Richter