


We are pleased to offer the following divisions for players in our community for the spring baseball season:

Spring Divisions
Division Name Age
(at end of year)
5U Rally Cap 5
6U/7U Rally Cap 6 or 7
8U/9U Tadpole 8 or 9
11U Mosquito 10 or 11
13U Peewee 12 or 13
15U Bantam 14 or 15
18U Midget 16, 17 or 18
Challenger Minimum age: 6

5U Rally Cap

5U Rally Cap

Welcome to the 5U (Rally Cap) Division. Most likely this will be your son or daughter’s first experience in baseball. The Rally Cap Program was developed by Sport Canada to ensure that this first baseball experience is a positive one for all young players involved. The four main goals of the Rally Cap program are to:

  1. Create an environment in which children and adults can have fun with baseball.
  2. Teach baseball skills, rules and strategy to our players.
  3. Model and teach competitiveness with an emphasis on good sportsmanship.
  4. Promote increased self-esteem among Rally Cap children and adults

There will be two one hour sessions each week. Each session will combine both a practice component and an actual game. The emphasis in both will be on the 5 FUNdamentals:

  • Throwing
  • Base Running
  • Receiving
  • Hitting
  • General Knowledge

Your child will have the opportunity to showcase their skills at two Official Rally Cap Days during the season. All players will go through stations where they will perform different tasks. When a player succeeds at each task at a particular level, he/she will be awarded an appropriate coloured hat. These days are designed to build self-esteem in players, promote skill development and encourage fun with friends.

Equipment:  The only gear your child is responsible for during the season is a glove, a protective jock/jill, and a t-ball helmet. We also recommend cleats, but good running shoes will also work.

If you haven’t already, be sure and sign up for this awesome introduction to baseball!

Here are some links to help your child get started with Rally Cap!

For more information or any questions, please contact the 5U Rally Cap Division Coordinator.

6U/7U Rally Cap

6U/7U Rally Cap

The 6U/7U Rally Cap program is Baseball Canada’s Official Initiation Program for players aged 6 and 7. Players’ first experiences in baseball should be filled with active and engaging activities that are developmentally appropriate for their age. The Rally Cap program has been designed specifically for young baseball players and aims to increase interest in baseball.

The goals of the Baseball Canada Rally Cap program are to:

  • Create an environment in which children and adults can have fun with baseball.
  • Teach baseball skills, rules and strategy to our players.
  • Model and teach competitiveness with an emphasis on good sportsmanship.
  • Promote increased self-esteem among Rally Cap children and adults.

Players will participate in combined game/practice structured events. Teams will play/practice twice a week combining team play with practice while focusing on the Baseball Canada’s FUNdamentals:

  • Throwing
  • Base Running
  • Receiving
  • Hitting
  • General Knowledge

The 6U/7U season starts early April and runs until mid-June

During the season, the teams will be working on the 5 FUNdamentals of baseball. There will be two Official Rally Cap Days in the season where players will perform various skills and a variety of skill stations in order to earn the “next” coloured hat from Baseball Canada Rally Cap.

Equipment:  All players receive a jersey and hat to keep from WRSSBA.  However, each player will need to supply a glove, protective cup/jill, a batting helmet and running shoes or molded rubber cleats. Grey baseball pants are recommended.

Here are some links to help your child get started with Rally Cap!

For more information or any questions, please contact the 7U Rally Cap Division coordinator.

8U/9U Tadpole

8U/9U Tadpole


The 8U/9U (Tadpole) Division provides baseball for boys and girls aged 8 and 9. Starting in 2019, we will have separate leagues for each age. So the first year players will play in one league and the second year players play in a separate league.


A pitching machine is used for the entire game, with a maximum of 6 innings per game. For the second year players, live pitching will be used starting halfway through the season. Players will continue to develop their primary baseball skills such as hitting, base running, fielding, and throwing, with a concentration on having fun in a team environment.

Spring Season

The Spring Season runs from April to late June.  Tadpole players will usually have 2 sessions per week, made up of either practices and/or games. For the spring season, games are only on the weekend. Game times vary, starting at 2:00pm Saturday and 9:00am Sunday. We are usually able to keep the two playing days the same. Weeknight practice times may fluctuate between 5:00pm and 6:30pm.

Scores and standings are only recorded in tournaments. Umpires are also only used in tournaments.

Player Equipment

Each player is required to have a glove, athletic supporter, cleats (molded plastic/rubber), and grey baseball pants.  It is recommended the players have their own helmet with strap, however helmets will be supplied if needed.


For team forming, please be aware that friend requests are not being taken. Our primary goal is to keep the teams as balanced as possible.

Summer Ball

There are usually one or two summer ball teams per age group. The summer ball season runs from late June to late July for the older team(s). Watch for information on summer ball tryouts which usually take place in June. There is an additional cost to play summer ball.


If you’re interested in coaching, check out Baseball BC’s Parent Leader/Coach Development Manual!

For more information or any questions, please contact the 9U Tadpole Division Coordinator.

Tadpole House Rules

Tadpole House Rules 

11U Mosquito

11U Mosquito
Spring Season

This division is played by 10 and 11 year-olds.

11U (Mosquito) is a tiered division where athletes have the opportunity to try-out for the American League (“Rep” program), or can opt into our National League (“Recreational” program). Most games are played at Centennial Park in White Rock, but some games may take place at either SSAP Turf #3 or Softball City. Practices may be held at Centennial, SSAP Turf #3 or Bakerview Park.

The American League is designed for experienced players who are invested in the game of baseball. This will be the first opportunity for players to begin to explore a focus on specific positions of interest and begin increasing their training time. This is the most competitive program at the 11U level during the spring season where competition, strategy and game play becomes a larger component of the experience. All players have the opportunity to be evaluated and, if successful, will be placed on one of the American League teams via the draft process. No player requests for team placement will be considered in this league.

The National League is designed for those who prefer to participate in a more recreational style of play. At this level there is a greater focus on participation and increased opportunity to explore a variety of positions. This program is also perfect for those unable to make a commitment to a more intensive baseball program and as a priority spring sport. All players will be evaluated and through a balanced placement process will be placed on to a National League Team. Player requests will be considered, but not automatically guaranteed. To ensure fair play, team balancing will take precedence over player requests. All other requests will not be considered unless deemed appropriate by the Division Coordinator.

During the evaluation process, parents will be able to indicate if they would like their child to be considered for American League selection. Interest in the American League does not guarantee placement and will be determined by the evaluation process and draft. Please reach out to the Division Coordinator with any questions about which program is appropriate for your child.

The number of teams in each division is determined by the number of available coaches that volunteer during the registration process. If there are more players registered then available teams due to lack of coaches, registered players may be waitlisted.

Player Equipment

Each player is required to have a glove, athletic supporter, cleats (molded plastic/rubber), and grey baseball pants.  It is recommended the players have their own helmet with strap, however helmets will be supplied if needed.

11U Mosquito House Rules (revised 2023)

Summer Ball

Summer baseball in the 11U Division is similar to the American League “Rep” program.  Players from either league will have the opportunity to attend a try-out and may be selected to one of our summer season teams. American League players are not guaranteed spots on the Summer Ball team and must participate in tryouts. Traditionally we have offered 4 teams with the goal of providing as many opportunities for as many players as possible.

  • 10U A for the top 12 of the first year players.
  • 11U AAA for the top 12 of second and first year players.
  • 11U AA for the next best second and first year players.
  • 11U A for the remaining players

There is a summer ball tryout in the middle of June after general evaluations.


For more information or any questions, please contact the 11U Mosquito Division Coordinator.

13U Peewee

13U Peewee
Spring Season

This division is played by 12 and 13 year-olds (born in 2011 and 2012).

  • Base paths are set at 70 feet.
  • Pitchers throw from 48 feet.
  • Lead-offs and stealing are allowed and games are 7 innings long.
  • Balks are called on pitchers and running to 1st on a dropped 3rd strike is allowed (if 1st base is unoccupied, or if 1st base is occupied with 2 out).

This is a tiered division where athletes have the opportunity to try-out for our AAA and AA “Rep” program, or can opt into our A or “Recreational” program for the spring season.

The A program is offered for those who prefer to participate in a more recreational style of play. At this level there is a greater focus on participation and increased opportunity to explore a variety of positions. This program is also perfect for those unable to make a commitment to intensive baseball programming. Please reach out to the Division Coordinator with any questions about what program is appropriate for your child.

Player Equipment – 13U Peewee A

Each player is required to have a glove, athletic supporter, cleats (molded plastic/rubber), and grey baseball pants.  It is recommended the players have their own helmet with strap, however helmets will be supplied if needed.

The AAA and AA programs are designed for experienced players who are invested in the game of baseball. It is at this level where players begin to focus on a few key positions and explore training specific to those needs. This is the most competitive program at the 13U level during the spring season where competition and a greater emphasis on strategy becomes a larger component of the game.

The 13U AAA team will operate as a single-season team with the team being selected in February and continuing through the summer until August in a BC Minor interlock league. Additional fees will apply. Players on this team must be available to travel throughout the season and play through the month of August for potential participation in Western and National tournaments.

Open tryouts will be conducted for the 13U AAA team in early February. Tryout fee will apply.

The AA program team will play in a Lower Mainland BC Minor interlock league. Additional fees will apply.

Open tryouts will be conducted for the 13U AA team in mid February. Tryout fee will apply.

Players not selecting to try out for the AAA or AA program teams will attend player evaluation sessions in late February/early March and drafted onto one of the A program teams. Our A program is completely in-house, and these teams will play teams within our association.

Player Equipment – 13U Peewee AAA and AA

Each player is required to have a glove, athletic supporter, cleats (molded plastic/rubber), and grey baseball pants.  It is recommended the players have their own helmet with strap, however helmets will be supplied if needed.

13U takes players another step forward to the full baseball experience with the introduction of leadoffs and other rule changes including balks being called, dropped 3rd strike, unlimited stealing and infield fly. All players bat in rotation as 9-man ball is not in effect at this level (except for 13U Peewee AAA in Summer All-Star play).

All players on the roster are in the batting rotation and all players will play a minimum of 3 innings of defense.

Peewee A House Rules (Revised 2024)

Peewee A House Rules

Summer Ball

For summer baseball in the 13U Division, The 13U AAA team will operate as a single-season team with the team being selected in Feb/Mar and continuing through the summer until August.

Our summer AA team is made up of our spring AA players and possibly top performers in A program.

The A summer team is reserved for those who participated in our spring A program.

For AAA the rules move to nine-man ball where not all players on the team bat. There is a coach’s option for a 10th batter (extra player) and all players are guaranteed one at bat and one inning on defense. For AA and A teams, spring rules continue where all players must play at least three complete defensive innings of a six or seven inning game and all players must play at least two complete defensive innings of a five-inning game.

Provincial Championships are available for qualifying A, AA, and AAA teams. Western Canada Championships are available for the Provincial Champion in AA and AAA, and Canadian National Championships for the Western Canadian AAA Champion.


For more information or any questions, please contact the 13U Peewee Division Coordinator.

15U Bantam

15U Bantam

This division is played by 14 and 15 year-olds.

  • Base paths are set at 80 feet.
  • Pitchers throw from 54 feet.
  • Lead-offs and stealing are allowed and games are 7 innings long.
  • Balks are called on pitchers and running to 1st on a dropped 3rd strike is allowed (if 1st base is unoccupied, or if 1st base is occupied with 2 out).
15U AA Program Outline

This is the highest tier offered by WRSSBA. Our 15U AA program is designed for experienced players who are invested in the game of baseball and generally have participated on top tiered spring teams, in addition to seasons of summer baseball. The AA program is a single-season that runs from March to August. At this level you can expect 40 games during the season and 2 practices per week on average. In this division there is travel within the lower mainland as well as possibly to Vancouver Island and the Okanagan. Evaluation and selections for the 15U AA team are made prior to the start of the spring season, with player commitment required through the end of August. Provincial Championships are available for qualifying AA teams with the provincial champions going to the Western Canada championship. While our program places an emphasis on development and helping athletes reach their potential, there are no-fair play rules as we play 9-man baseball at this level.

15U A Program Outline

The A program is offered for those who prefer to participate in a more recreational style of play. All players in the lineup will bat, and there are defensive inning minimums for fair play. This program is perfect for those unable to make a commitment to intensive baseball programming. At this level there is travel within the lower mainland.

Summer Ball

For summer baseball in the 15U Division, all A players have the opportunity to attend a try out, and may be selected to the summer season team, which would play from June until August.

The AA program is a single-season, and as such the same team plays through until August.

For more information or any questions, please contact the 15U Bantam Division Coordinator.

18U Midget

18U Midget

16, 17 and 18 year-old players eligible to play Midget AA. This division supports interlock play with other associations so there will be some local travel.

  • Play is on a major league dimension field with base paths set at 90 feet.
  • Pitchers throw from 60’6″.
  • Lead-offs and stealing are allowed and games are 7 innings long.
  • Balks are called on pitchers and running to 1st on a dropped 3rd strike is allowed (if 1st base is unoccupied, or if 1st base is occupied with 2 out).
  • All players bat in rotation and all players will play a minimum of 3 innings of defense.

For more information or any questions, please contact the 18U Midget Division Coordinator.

Post-Secondary Bursary

WRSSBA wishes to support young athletes in their post-secondary endeavors. Two $250 bursaries will be awarded for the academic year.

For eligibility criteria and the application form, please refer to the following form:

WRSSBA Bursary Application Form 



WRSSBA offers the Challenger Baseball Division to provides an opportunity for children with cognitive or physical disabilities to enjoy the full benefits of participation in baseball at a level structured to their abilities.

Baseball games are played in a fun, safe environment where no score is kept. Able-bodied “Buddies” are assigned (one on one, where possible) to each participant. These Buddies assist the Challenger Baseball players with their involvement in the game. Pushing wheelchairs around the base path, assisting players in how to hold the bat and swing, or providing protection for the Challenger Baseball player from a batted ball, are just a few of the ways the Buddies offer a better experience for the participants in Challenger Baseball.

Each participant is treated like every other player in the conventional baseball program. All players are outfitted in uniforms, use the same equipment, and play their games at the local baseball parks. A team picture is a must for Challenger Baseball, as it is in the other divisions.

Last but not least, the smiles are plentiful and free! The joy on the face of each participant in Challenger Baseball makes it very clear how much fun they are having. No pressures, no playing time issues, everyone just has fun! It’s what baseball is supposed to be all about.


Challenger Baseball Coaching Team – Honour Roll Recipients