Fields Overview


We use a number of diamonds and fields in the White Rock South Surrey area for games and practices.

Note to Coaches and Managers: Please do not use other fields besides the following which we have a permit from the respective cities to use. Use of other fields could jeopardize our field permit contract. And, do not use a field that you are not scheduled to use. Check the field’s Google calendar on the respective field’s page and with your division coordinator to book any additional time on one of our fields.

Reminder from City of Surrey and City of White Rock: Please do not place any weeds, rocks, sod or sand in the garbage bins at the park.  Please place these items in a pile off the field where City parks staff can remove it.

Facility Field Name Configuration
(pitcher’s rubber, bases, fence)
Divisions Served
South Surrey Athletic Park (SSAP) Diamond #1 (East) Homelife Field – Bantam Dual configuration: 54’/80′ and 60’6″/90′, 310′ left and right field and 320′ centre. Primary field for 15U Bantam and Tritons Bantam Prep.
SSAP Diamond #2 (West) – Midget Same as diamond #1. Primary field for 18U Midget, Junior and Senior Tritons.
SSAP Diamond #3 (lower field) – Peewee 48’/70′, 200′ fence. Primary field for 13U Peewee A.
SSAP Turf field (#3) Two diamonds (east and west) Primary field for 9U Tadpole. Also used by 11U Mosquito for practices.
Centennial Park Diamond 46’/60′, 180′ fence Primary field for 11U Mosquito.
Centennial Park Oval Three diamonds and one open corner (backstop net available). Primary field for 7U Rally Cap. Also used by 9U Tadpole for practices.
Laronde Park Diamond 48’/70′, 225′ fence. Primary field for 13U Peewee AA.
Laronde Park Mini-west Grass area west of diamond. Practice field for 11U Mosquito.
Bakerview Park West diamond 46’/60′, no fence Practice field for 13U Peewee A. Also used by 11U Mosquito and 9U Tadpole.
Bakerview Park East diamond 46’/60′, no fence Practice field for 11U Mosquito.
Bakerview Park Southeast corner Grass area south of east diamond. Primary field for 5U Rally Cap and Challenger program. Practice area for 11U Mosquito.
Crescent Park Diamond #2 (South) 54’/80′, temporary fence available in bin. Practice area for 15U Bantam.
Crescent Park Diamond #1 (North) Softball field. No mound. Practice area for 15U Bantam.
Crescent Park South Mini-East Grass area south of south diamond in east corner. Practice area for 11U Mosquito.
Crescent Park South Mini-West Grass area south of south diamond in west corner. Practice area for 11U Mosquito.

City of Surrey – Grass Fields (2025)

City of Surrey – Turf Field (2025)

City of White Rock – Centennial Diamond & Oval (2025)

City of White Rock – Centennial Batting Cage (2021)