Policies and Procedures

Volunteer Policies and Procedures

Volunteer Policies and Procedures
  1. All White Rock South Surrey Baseball Association (WRSSBA) volunteers, employees and contractors (excluding umpires) who work directly with minors are required to submit to a Police Information Check (AKA Criminal Record Check (CRC)) every two years before they are permitted to engage with persons under the age of majority (18 years old). The Criminal Record Checks are sport-specific and we cannot accept ones that were conducted for other sports. See Criminal Record Check Procedures below.
  2. If a volunteer is the subject of a criminal investigation, the volunteer must immediately notify the WRSSBA Executive who will notify the Disciplinary Committee. See Discipline Committee Procedures under Complaint Procedures.
  3. Under no circumstances is a coach permitted to travel alone with a player, unless he/she is their own child, to or from any game, practice or WRSSBA event. In addition, a coach is not permitted to be at any facility (i.e., field, training center) alone with a player unless the player is a son/daughter of the coach.
Criminal Record Check Procedures

If you are new to WRSSBA or coaching/managing, please go ahead and complete your online criminal record check. If you have done a CRC for WRSSBA in the recent past but can’t remember when, please send an email to our Executive Director, Heather Melenchuk, asking her if you need to do one this year.

Online Process
  1. Complete the online application and use the access code QR9DRS7BS6: Start Application *
  2. Please record your “Session ID #” or “Service #” for verification that application has been submitted.

* Note. If you get a server error when you click the Start Application link, the application is probably down. To check the status, go to Criminal Record Check Overview and Status page.

Coach Selection Policy

WRSSBA Coach Selection Policy (revised 2023)

  • Applicants to submit WRSSBA summer ball or single season Coach Application Form to their division Coordinator by the specified deadline
  • Applicants for summer ball coaching should have held a Head Coach position in the spring in the division they have applied for
  • Minimum Coaching Qualifications required as set by BC Minor and the NCCP program
  • See the entire Coach Selection Policy document here

Play-Up Policy

WRSSBA Play up Policy 2022

  • Players wishing to play in a higher level than their age group must ask permission from WRSSBA prior to evaluations.
  • Player must evaluate in the top 10% of the players in the division the intend to play.
  • If the player does evaluate in the top 10%, the player must still be evaluated by the player and coach development person to address any safety or maturity concerns.
  • If a player is approved to play up, they must follow the “Permanent move up” rule in BC Minor rulebook

Complaint Procedures

Complaint Procedures – Summary

For full details, see WRSSBA Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy 

Baseball is a wonderful sport with highs and lows, wins and losses, good and bad. Unfortunately there are times when a person can get caught up in the excitement, competitiveness and exhilaration of sport. Most people are able to maintain the boundaries of decency and fair play. There are times however, where people can step over the line and have their actions affect the delivery of the game.

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee is made up of following three executive members: Risk Manager, Safety Officer, VP of Junior or Senior Division.


If a player displays conduct contrary to the Player Code of Conduct, the following procedures must be followed.

One Game Suspension

  1. The player’s coach has the right to suspend the player for one game.
  2. A meeting between the coach(es), parent(s) and player must take place immediately after the game/practice in which the event takes place or as soon as practicable thereafter.

Greater Than One Game Suspension

  1. If the offence is deemed to be of a more serious nature and more than one game suspension is warranted, the coach(es) and division coordinator must meet to determine if the suspension can be dealt with between themselves, the player and the parent.
  2. If an agreement cannot be reached, the coach or division coordinator has the  right to contact the Discipline Committee and request a review of the situation and for a decision to be made. The division coordinator can submit a request to the Risk Manager or contact another member of the Discipline Committee to start proceedings.

If a coach displays conduct contrary to the Coach Code of Conduct, the following procedures must be followed.

  1. A player, another coach, including a coach from the opposing team, or parent may submit a Complaint Form request  to the Risk Manager or another member of the Discipline Committee to start proceedings.
  2. Player playing time and/or position matters are decisions that are to be handled with the coach(es), parent(s) and. if necessary, the player. Only after initial discussions have taken place can a Complaint Form be submitted to the Discipline Committee.

If a parent displays conduct contrary to the Parent Code of Conduct their son /daughter may face suspension from the association.

  1. A coach, another player, another parent may submit a Complaint Form request to the Risk Manager or another member of the Discipline Committee.
  2. Until the matter has been formally resolved, the player of the parent is not allowed to participate in any association activities.
Other WRSSBA Member or contract employee

If another WRSSBA member or contract employee of WRSSBA displays conduct contrary to any of the Code of Conducts, a Complaint Form request should be sent to the Risk Manager or another member of the Discipline Committee.

Discipline Committee Procedures
  1. The WRSSBA Executive will convene the Disciplinary Committee within seven days of receiving the complaint.
  2. The Disciplinary Committee will determine whether the complaint is within scope of the Dispute Resolution and Discipline Policy.
  3. The Discipline Committee will determine whether the complaint, if upheld, is a minor or major infraction. See examples of infractions below.
  4. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the Discipline Committee may appoint an independent individual to conduct an investigation. If so, the investigator will carry out the investigation in a timely manner and submit a written report to the Discipline Committee.
Accused Response – Minor Infraction
  1. For minor infractions, the Discipline Committee will provide the person accused on the infraction with a copy of the complaint and, if applicable, the investigative report.
  2. The accused can respond to the allegations within seven days.
  3. After a review of the response, the Discipline Committee will make a decision and, if applicable, apply a disciplinary sanction.
Hearing Panel and Hearing – Major Infraction
  1. For major infractions, the Discipline Committee will notify the person accused in writing no later than three days from date of the Discipline Committee decision that the complaint is a major infraction.
  2. Within 14 days of receiving the Incident Report or the investigator’s report, the Discipline Committee will establish a hearing panel. If the person accused acknowledges the facts of the incident, he or she may waive the hearing.
  3. Within 14 days of the hearing, the Hearing Panel will issue a written decision and apply sanctions.
Disputes at Competition or Where There is a Critical Lack of Time

Where there is no time to follow the procedures above:

  1. The President of WRSSBA will designate a person who will have authority to investigate and implement, on an interim basis, appropriate sanctions.
  2. The person accused will be told of the infraction and given an opportunity to provide information.
  3. Further sanctions may be applied after the competition.
Complaint Form

Complaint For

Minor Infractions
  • A single incident of disrespectful,offensive,abusive, racist or sexist comments or behaviour directed towards others,including but not limited to peers,opponents,athletes,coaches,officials,administrators,spectators and sponsors.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing.
  • A single incident of being late for or absent from events and activities at which attendance is expected or required.
  • Non-compliance with the rules and regulations under which events are conducted, whether at the local, provincial, national or international level.
Major Infractions
  • Repeated incidents of disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist comments or behaviour directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators and sponsors.
  • Playing under an assumed name, falsifying an affidavit or roster, or giving false information to tournament officials.
  • Knowingly participating while ineligible.
  • Knowingly competing with or against players who have been disqualified.
  • Repeated unsportsmanlike conduct such as any angry outburst or arguing.
  • Repeated incidents of being late for or absent from events and activities at which attendance is expected or required.
  • Activities or behaviour which interfere with a competition or with any athlete’s preparation for a competition.
  • Pranks, jokes or any other activities which endanger the safety of others.
  • Deliberate disregard for the rules and regulations under which events are conducted , whether at the local, district, provincial , national or international level.
  • Abusive use of alcohol where abuse means a level of consumption which impairs the individual’s ability to speak, walk or drive or causes the individual to behave in a disruptive manner, or interferes with the individual’s ability to perform effectively and safely.
  • Any use of alcohol by minors.
  • Use of illicit drugs or narcotics.
  • Hazing.
  • Use of banned performance enhancing drugs or methods.

Spring Evaluation and Draft Policy

Spring Evaluation and Draft Policy

The goal of the evaluation process is to facilitate a balanced draft and to identify the appropriate level of play for each player. WRSSBA is committed to providing a fair evaluation for all players; however, it is important to note there will always be a level of subjectivity in any process used to evaluate players. Independent evaluators will be used in the evaluation process.

For full details, see WRSSBA Draft Policy 2021