For specific enquiries about divisions and teams, please contact the appropriate coordinator for your player’s age group. For general enquiries regarding registration, feel free to contact the Registrar.
General Enquiries
Registrar, Laura Funk
Player Development
Director of Baseball Operations & Player Development, Jordan Broatch
Administration (e.g., Criminal Record Checks)
Executive Director, Heather Melenchuk
Website and Teamsnap
Webmaster, Bruce Ng
Mailing Address
White Rock South Surrey Baseball Association
Box 45016, 12851 16th Avenue
Surrey, BC V4A 9L1
City Contact Information
City of Surrey
For any problems in the park that are maintenance related
(e.g., waterline leaks, sprinklers running when they shouldn’t,
plumbing or mechanical problems with the field house),
call the City of Surrey service request line at 604-501-5050
between the hours of 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday,
or email
City of White Rock
For any problems at Centennial Park diamond or oval,
please call the City of White Rock’s general enquiries line
at 604 541-2100 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
President, Michael Carriere
Past President, Randy McKinnon
VP Junior Divisions (5U to 11U), Matt MacDonald
VP Senior Divisions (13U to 18U), Jeff Lewis
Treasurer, Greg Funk
Secretary, Amanda Dalgetty
Registrar, Laura Funk
Umpire-in-Chief, Sheridan Abells
Risk Manager, Kyle Nishi
Safety Officer, Al Ezaki
Sponsorship Manager, Brad Lauzon
Capital Projects Manager, Ray Persaud
Field Manager, Nevan Paul
Equipment Manager, Leif Sigurdson
Uniform and Merchandise Manager, Steph MacKenzie
5U Rally Cap, Haley Workun
6U Rally Cap, Nick Bondi
7U Rally Cap, Matt Stickney
8U Tadpole, Ryan Gibson
9U Tadpole, Ian Atkinson
11U Mosquito – National, Kirsten Yanicki
11U Mosquito – American, Kevin Dueck
13U Peewee, Roxanne Blake
15U Bantam, Shamus Rickerby
18U Midget, **Position Available
Grass Roots Player Development, Kyle Dhanani
Volunteers, Jacqueline Sandhu
Fall Ball, **Position Available
Tournament Coordinator, Gabe Embley
Baseball Fun Day, **Position Available
Non-Elected Members (Non-Voting)
Executive Director, Heather Melenchuk
Director of Baseball Operations & Player Development,
Jordan Broatch
Webmaster, Scheduler and Field Allocator, Bruce Ng
Challenger Coordinator, Steve Clayton
Training Centre Manager, Jordan Broatch
Umpire Allocator, Steph MacKenzie
White Rock Tritons Representative, Jordan Broatch
Umpire Payroll, Heather Melenchuk
Concessions Manager, Heather Melenchuk
Junior Mens Coordinator, Blake Browne